is the brand and trading name of WCL World Connect Ltd, a Cyprus registered company with registration number HE429345 based in Nicosia Ouranias 10 Strovolos. Our card payment model was inspired not just from personal bad processing experiences but, by also numerous similar unfortunate experiences shared with us from friends and businesses, with over 10 years of processing experience. In a nutshell, our aim is to help all types of business to open their merchant account for free, without any long-term commitments, receive for free our edge technology POS card reader terminal and the most important to enjoy our low-cost processing fees. Join us now to benefit from our services and gain access to the next generation of payments. We are processing through two of Europe’s best repute and Europe’s bigger processors.

PAYSTRAX AB is an experienced global payment service provider, licensed by the FCA, and Central bank of Lithuania dedicated to supporting business growth and delivering the right payment solutions to meet your needs. PAYSTRAX AB provides customized payment processing solutions and support services across a wide range of sectors, shaped by unmatched payments knowledge and expertise gained from working with thousands of companies around the world over the past decade. PAYSTRAX AB  presence in UK and Europe with thousands of clients around the world is more than a trustable partner. In accordance with its license is allowed to provided card processing in Cyprus.




Emerchantpay was founded in 2002 out of a need to better support merchants who were finding it difficult to navigate the quickly evolving payment landscape. At this time, payment gateways, choice of local payment methods and risk and fraud management often weren’t being optimised for their target markets. By building a passionate team of payments experts and one-stop-shop product offering, we earned our position as a trusted payments partner for global growth. Ever since, we’ve been perfecting our personal approach for online, mobile and point of sale payments to ensure your customers receive a seamless experience. Licensed in the USA, UK and EU, Emerchantpay can provided processing services in Cyprus as per their license hereafter: